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  • createdphilter

Hey Dad

Tonight I watched an episode of BBC's "Our Planet" with my kids. We have this tradition in our house that when I make Cuban Picadillo for dinner we get to watch something that helps us learn about other cultures and places.

After dinner I was cleaning up with my 10-year-old son. He was putting bowls in the dishwasher and said, "Hey Dad, what do you think it would be like if there was no climate change? Was there climate change when you were a kid?"

I cried.

I was speechless.

I said I was sorry.

He said it wasn't my fault.

The only thing I could think to say was, "just make sure you do your part." I reminded him of the story where Jesus takes a few loaves of bread and a few fish and feeds thousands of people with one person's lunch. One person gave what little they had and Jesus did a miracle. I promised to do my part for his future and depend on God to do the rest.

He left the kitchen to get ready for bed. I did the dishes.

I cried some more.

Lord help me and the poor soul that tries to tell me there is no such thing as man-made climate change right now...

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