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  • createdphilter

Kan ek jou help?

Hey! I have stuff.

I have a history that I've experienced, and before that one that I haven't.

I have your history too. I have your stuff wrapped in my atoms.

You're in my mind and on my heart.

Can I help you?

I walked a line that is my own.

I see your steps that aren't for me.

I wonder if my line can help you take a step on yours.

I'm here you're there but there I was.

My there not yours but how different are we really?

I find more questions then you can ask but still I wonder,

From my past is sounds like, "kan ek jou help?"

My disclaimer here for you not me,

these words help me not you, I think.

But I want to ask a question still,

Can I help?

For some unknown reason,

even though I don't walk your line I feel it.

Empathic ties that bridge our gap.

I care, I think. At least I feel care for you.

Don't walk alone if you don't want.

I'm here, you're there but still we're together.

Emotion wells from the same source we share.

Really, I mean it, can I help you?

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